Don’t compare your family to others
I was 9 when my parents split up which destroyed me completely. I was a daddy's girl so for him to " abandon" me hurt loads.
But, after weeks of hurt and not wanting to do anything (I lost motivation), I finally felt as if it wasn't my fault and tried to pretend to be happy to keep the family strong.
The best advice for whatever age: DON'T TAKE THE BLAME!! It puts so much pressure on you.
Over the years I've become used to having one parent around. You'll always want both parents around no matter what. I'm now 16, and over the years I've been told that I've become so independent. Yeah, I still think about missing my dad, however, I found you can surround yourself with people you are close to and people you can trust.
My family splitting apart broke me but it fixed me, so don't focus on the bad things about it. Think of the positives!!
Another tip: don't feel afraid to tell your parents something that's on your mind because they still care about you. I've told my dad things and it made me feel happier getting it off my chest.
Tip 2: don't compare your family to others. It makes it seem like your family is completely broken, but in reality a new family can be made again.
Tip 3: find comfort and support everywhere. Don't feel at school you can't speak to anyone. Teachers are the most important in school. I trust my teacher so much she plays the role of both mum and dad when it comes to comfort.
Tip 4: do something different.
Photo: julien haler. Creative Commons.